Stream of Consciousness

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Hardest Part of Exercise

Is getting dressed. Tying your sneakers usually takes more mental and physical effort than actually moving your body.

After working all morning in the mall, I was determined to go for a walk and get some fresh air this afternoon. It started raining just as I had finally convinced myself to get up and go, so I threw on my rain jacket with a hood, and hit the pavement.

I walked up, around, over, and back around Corey Hill, which is near my house. There are several paths that cut up the terraces, which are extended sets of stairs - intense! But it was totally worth it because I remembered there was a swing set at the top of the hill where the playground and park are.

Then I walked down the hill toward Beacon Street and power-walked the rest of the way home, past some very tempting restaurants (who wants to try Roadhouse or Dalia's with me?).

This is exactly the kind of exercise I used to love when I lived in Ownings Mills (Baltimore). It's exercise disguised as neighbordhood expoloration, fresh air and occassional sunshine. And because it didn't leave my bronchitis-wrecked lungs gasping for air, I might actually do it again - on a regular basis!

What's your favorite kind of exercise?

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